"...ads that are actually worth showing"
Basic is a simple product created to increase the number of advertisers competing for bids. It was developed bya Google Certified Publishing Partner serving tens of thousands of websites.
Earn more than AdSense in less than 38 seconds
Basic ads expands upon what is offered by AdSense by integrating full access to Google's advertisers with thousands of competing ad networks. All in a single tag, like Auto Ads™ .
Ad Networks: Google's Ad Exchange + other ad networks, allowing more advertisers to bid on your website
Ad Tag: Setting up basic is as easy as copy/paste. One ad tag goes in the site header, like Auto Ads.
Setup in less than a minute. Try ads for the first time or move off of AdSense without fear of wasting time
No visit requirements, no need to fret about how long you've been working on your site, and no lengthy approval times.
Provides Google's advertisers and additional ad networks,
Net 30 payment terms with payment threshold of only $20 USD.
No complex setup or long wait times. Easier than AdSense to get started.
Basic is available around the world and in almost every country,.